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What You Should Know about Bounce Houses

Bounce houses are inflatable structures that can be found in parties for children among other events such as fairs and festivals. A bounce house can vary in shape from an enclosed area for bouncing to a large house that has different styles and even levels. You can have a bounce house that is a castle, a story house or even one that has a slide. While these structures are seen to be popular with children, they are also popular with adults. Most of these bouncing houses are usually enclosed to ensure that children do not bounce and fall off the structures, which can lead to them getting hurt.


Most bounce houses with inflatable slides are usually made from inflatable mattresses, and these mattresses tend to be harder or firmer than the inflatable mattresses that people use in their houses. The mattress used for these houses is usually made of layers of nylon, vinyl and rubber. Since people will deflate the mattress quickly with bouncing, electric fans are usually used to refill most of these houses. The fans can be powered by some portable generators or can be plugged in, which will be dependent on your location and access to electricity.


It is important to note that only children of a particular size and age are allowed to use bounce houses. On the other hand, adults can bounce themselves into accidents when they use small houses. Collisions are normally common when children are bouncing, and these can lead to them getting hurt. For this reason, the number of children that should be allowed on the bouncing house is usually limited, and this is usually stated by the manufacturer depending on the type of bouncing house. A crowded house will lead to children bumping into one another, leading to feuds or injuries. To ensure that there is no improper use of the house or collisions, it is wise to have the house supervised when children are using it. Read to know how these  renting businesses are started.


If you want to rent an inflatable for your children's party, know that the prices will vary from one rental to the other. The more a house is elaborate, the longer the rental will be. Simpler houses tend to be less expensive in comparison to those that are elaborate. In addition, you have the option of buying a smaller bounce houses for sale. However, these are manufactured with different standards from the commercial ones and they will not be as durable.

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